Welcome to my world, the Asperger world.
This blog is my take on what being an Aspie is like. Some of these pieces will be angry (see below). Hopefully the majority of the blogs will be about the lifestyle of Aspies, what we do to have fun, relationships (friends and loves), listen to, what we wear, sports ... basically our every day life. This blog mostly will have a pleasant, smiling spirit. You see our version of reality is about 15 degrees off plum and that is OK! We are what we are and anyone that says that 'this is odd' can go ahead and take their opinion and their horse they rode in on and leave. Off now with you. ;-]
All of that said, here's my first Aspie blog. If you like it let me know at f.glotz@yahoo.com or if you have brickbats to throw, lemme know about it.
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Once again we sit at our MACs (MS10 if you must) and start comparing our lives against 'the normals.' Having our friends go to the mall with us because, "being around crowds makes me ..." Realizing that you are hearing what came out of your mouth was heard at the same as the rest of the room" or calling the Sunday School President a 'moron'. SOOOO WHAT! HE IS A MORON!
I am tired of hearing 'normals' telling me that I could cure myself of Asperger's if only if, "I pulled myself up by my bootstraps" or going to a party and have your date say, "Whatever you do, don't start telling anyone about the wonder of prime numbers" And my personal favorite, "You know that only children watch anime, grow up and be an adult." And finishing with, "I'm the only adult in this relationship." and again "Grow up!"
Bulls__t!!! The Aspie _______________
I oft wonder why our way of doing things is such a threat to the normies. Why do they think that their version of reality is the only correct version. Why the normies feel so superior because they,"... read a book' about people like you."
When this happens you probably either move away or let the man know the legal extent of corporal punishment. But you never do. Not to give a plug for violence it just feels that that person should be punished somehow. But we still just walk away because we know what feels to be hurt by words. Still, these things hurt a lot and we never show it.
We are what we are! If folks don't like what we are, it is their problem
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