Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Hello All,
We got our very first comment today, from Vancouver B.C., and I quote, “How can you possibly make fun of a life destroying syndrome.  Asperger’s limits relationships, jobs, self worth, everything! This is a very serious matter.  You should be ashamed!”

+++++++++++++++++++++ My Response +++++++++++++++++++++

Dear[ name redacted],
 I have not \ nor would not make light of any fellow Aspies because:

            0)   I am an Aspie. This syndrome has cost me many employment opportunities and friends.  Finding friends for a Aspie is difficult enough because everyone is an acquaintance. We rarely let folks in.  Friends are few and far between to the point that I have only had two friends in the past 25 years... and one has been my long suffering sweet wife. 

1         1)   More times than I care to remember I have been taken aside by management and told, “As momentarily satisfying as it can be, you should never put 'those guys' [corporate upper management] in a corner.  They don’t like it and they will have their piece of your hide."  The problem here and most everywhere else is that I do not know what I had even said!  
      So, please don't tell me how hard being an Aspie can be.   To quote my mentor at Weyerhaeuser, "If you were twice the communicator and half the designer, you could run  this place. Please get it together!" No I don't know what set that one off either.

      2)  True, I am a high functioning Aspie but I am still enough of an Aspie to have folks whisper behind me, “That guy is so weird! Do you what he said in Sunday School?  Notice that he always sits in the last row? Yeah, but wow!"  Yeah, this bothers me but I really don't care.  Probably should, but don't.

      3) Finally, there are way too many blogs about Asperger’s that approach the syndrome like leprosy.  These surely well meaning folks are so very dour and depressing to read that reading the Bell Jar is considered a high spirited read.

This blog is meant to show the day to day life situations, we all can work with or at least mitigate.

Life is too serious to be taken completely seriously.  

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