Thursday, October 27, 2016

Aspie Obsessions - Part one

Hello All,

    We have had a couple of three requests for a blog concerning Aspie coping skills.  This will be the first spot next week.  And guys, thanks for reading!   Please sign up as following this blog and more important talk-up the blog.  Everything I say can be found on mainstream psychological dotcoms      -jb

If there is one consistent item that most of us share are obsessions and G_d love us, we do like to have collections.

We Aspies can have highly-focused interests (spelled ob-ses-sions), that usually start when we are young. In a few cases, they can last a life time and others maybe just a couple of weeks. If you can imagine it at least a few of us is obsessing about.

It is also likely to become attached to objects like figurings, comics and even old pop bottle caps,  – a we collect things.  Aspies often say that these 'interests' are essential to them feel normal and happy. 

Wow! Spoiler alert!
 I am the poster child for obsessive behavior.  Let's just take a couple of lines to list my long list of obsessions:

            1) Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys.  This one started in 1962 when my sister Barbara was fighting with that week's boyfriend and she took me to see the very young Beach Boys instead.  After the concert was over I wanted to be Brian Wilson: not like him, but him!  My sister Barbara promptly dissuaded me of this and explained was impossible So; I settled on buying a lifetime of any album or book that had Brian on it. 

I have maybe 300 CDs and 45 of them are the Beach Boys. When I talk about group I often refer to them by their first names, like I knew them personally.  OK... this one may be a more than little creepy.

             2) I play 5 or 6 musical instruments and I cannot play any of them well.  The longest lasting is the jazz guitar, harmonica, flute, bass, mandolin and piano. 

What happens is that I will hear some music and all of a sudden learning how to play that instrument is the most important thing in the world. Five of these are currently in my closet gathering dust really only the jazz guitar really remains. 

             3) I have a continuous interest in how dishwashers should be loaded.  I mean come on it is the dishwasher must follow the rules of liquid floor. For heaven sake even dishwashers have rules! 

The heaviest of the plates go on the left side of the bottom rack, the lighter plate on the on the right side. Good sized bowls go around the perimeter of the lower rack.   If possible, all the glassware and cups go on the top rack with the smaller bowls going down the middle of the upper rack.  Now I ask, doesn't this make perfect sense?  How could anyone even think they improve on it?  It is the way to load dishwashers that Heaven meant to have.
              Interestingly, this has caused a lot of Aspie disagreement in family et al.

             4) Comics and anime and martial arts films.

 There are few other obsessions, but I will leave those for another day. I guess what I am talking about is that any obsession that is not carcinogenic, immoral to your faith, illegal, or flammable should be no ones business if you are of age.  If we are young kiddies, well we get to do what Mum and Daddie tell us.

I can see this one coming --- I do not want anyone becoming a hoarder.  If a obsession becomes something that disrupts school work, societal or family activities these things should maybe be  re-thought.   

There are few my many obsessions, but I will leave those for another day.  

More in Part Two next week.


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