Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Greetings My Fellow Aspie-ites,
This should have been my first post; so, forgive the order of things.

    Welcome to my world you all.

    This blog is my take on what an Aspie's life is like.  Some of these pieces will be almost angry (see below). However, the majority of the blogs will be about the lifestyle of Aspies, like: 

       1) why \ what we do to have fun is out fun... not theirs,
       2) any relationship,
       3) the here and there a friend (that often takes the shape of simply an acquaintance, the guy down the street who doesn't like your ward robe and tells you so, why a support groups help a bit.  (If not maybe us, maybe the normals around us) , sports ... basically our every day life.  You want a topic email me at the address below.
       4) I hope this blog mostly will have a pleasant, smiling spirit.  Our version of reality is about 15 degrees off plum and that is OK!  Really OK.  We are what we are and anyone that says that 'this is odd' can go ahead and take their opinion and  the horse they rode in on and leave.  Off you go now.  ;-]

    Once again we sit at our MACs (or MS10 if you must) and start comparing our lives against 'the normals'.   Our brain makes us loose this comparison almost every time because we take the opinion of a normal as being the god's truth instead of improving on us ourselves.

Some points I have found out about being just me ...

         *) I dislike having our friends decline to go to the mall with us because, "being around crowds makes you uncomfortable or  " You are a buzzkill and it cuts down on my chick mission."

         *)  Realizing that you are hearing what came out of your mouth at the same time every body else in the room" or replying to the Sunday School President saying, "This man is a 'moron'.
         This Aspie-tale has a special meaning to me. A couple of years after 911, where I lost six friends, the Sunday School teacher told us that we should pray for our enemies. I lost it. No yelling, I just went sideways I went into a rant that was second to none.
          I lost work-friends there, I spent most of September and October going to funerals and this guy was telling me I should pray for them?  OK I was rude, but the man is \ was a moron!
          Anyway I continued to hear myself say out loud. After I said, "This man is a moron." I was told that there was an audible gasp then stunned silence in the room.
         Of course, I did not know that the folks around me were hearing everything a second before I was. I went on for 5 minutes about how many ways this Sunday School-man was wrong. I kept on and on and with each sentence I said, my wife, was digging into my leg with her nails.  She was very near to punching through the gabardine slacks when I realized what I had just done. 
         I didn't feel the least bit remorseful because I was right and every body else was wrong.  I could not see anyway that anyone could disagree...  [sigh... ]

     The awful thing is, I felt very sorry for having embarrassed my dear wife so much in public, but I meant what I said.  ;-}     She quickly found a way to forgive me for this an other public idiosyncrasies.  I can't ever know why.
            It was the kind of societal faux pas we wish we would never make, but it will happen again. Expect it.  All the while  I try to find ways to not deeply embarrass my sweet wife...  again.

          I am tired of hearing 'normals' telling us that I could cure myself of Asperger's if  only, "I pulled myself up by my bootstraps" or,
         Going to a party and have your date whisper ever so gently in your ear, "Whatever you do sweetheart, please don't start telling anyone about the wonder of prime numbers and stuff.  No one will know or care what you are talking about."  She then kisses your cheek so tenderly and you log the information for study later. So, you sit quietly and all is well. You later think, "One is a row... I'm hot!"
        And, of course, my personal favorite, "You know that only children watch anime and read comics. "Grow up and be an adult."  And then finishing with, "I'm the only adult in this relationship." and again "Grow up!" You will find this sentence about Aspies any where on the Internet. This normal-help is really common conversation in Aspie-normal relationships.  I will write about it in a next couple of blogs.

    I oft wonder why our way of doing things is such a threat to the normies. Why do they think that their version of reality is the only correct version.  Why do the normies feel so superior because they,"... read a book' about people like you", and now they know everything about us.   Really... ?

    When this happens we  probably either back away or fanaticize about letting the person know the  legal extent of corporal punishment the law will allow.  But you never do. 
    This is not to give a plug for violence, but it just feels that that person should be punished somehow.  But we still just walk away because we know what feels to be hurt \ angered by words.  These things hurt a lot and most of us never really show it.

    We are what we are!  If folks don't like what we are, it is their problem. We will excel and give the normals the truth of what Aspies will provide the world.

All of that said, here's my second (should have been first) Aspie blog. If you like it let me know at f.glotz@yahoo.com or  if you have brickbats to throw, lemme know about it.
   Oh, BTW the first day of this blog had 500 visitors.  Heaven love you all.

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