Ah obsessions.
Our obsessions such as difficulty in public circumstances and being labeled as 'different or weird' are their lenses the world sees us through. 'Normals' see everything Aspie-like as somewhat embarrassing to those around us. All the views from Normal-oids does not bother me and should never bother any Aspie.
Think of what these obsessions bring us:
1) A very good education that reflects on what we care about almost every day. An acquaintance of mine has recently discovered a real love for physics \ mathematics. He is doing very well at university because of his obsession that led him to work at what he wonderful obsession he loves.
2) Peace of mind. Our obsessions are rarely harmful. Obsession time can be our most peaceful of our days. Personally, I like to read 'all' the liner notes on albums (OK, CDs but I am old) whether I like the album or not. For instance, I know that bassist Leland Sklar has played with Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor (2), Diana Ross, Hall & Oates, Jackson Browne, Phil Collins, Clint Black, Reba McEntire and George Strait to name a few.. No one else in the universe may care, I but I do. Knowing of Leland Sklar has made my musical life better. (See the bottom of the page.)
I find enjoyment in listening to his bass lines that are idiosyncratic and like no other. This makes my listening more complete and joyful. This obsession adds to body my happy life and whatever you want to obsess about do it as long as it is legal, non-carcinogenic and moral (keep track yourself of what that means) happily be obsessive.
3) Joy. Joy can be found in an obsession. By the time I was 8 I had a collection of over 1000 bottle caps. Dirty, used, old, scuzzy, probably diseased rittled bottle caps. I actively enjoyed pouring them out onto the kitchen linoleum floor and sorting them in different categories. (My Mom let me get away with a lot, but this wasn't one of them -- I was sent outside).
Dad was shewed. He knew how to handle his "... different kinda son." He ended this bottle cap obsession when he gave me a BB Gun obsession and in killing carp and catfish, "... killing 'em for the good of everyone on the lake."
Between the BB Gun, carp and the hot Sun, that summer is still one of one of my finest summers ever. Everyday and most evenings, taking my trusty Range Rider and shooting carp and catfish in the bayous. This was warm joy. I wore out 4 Range Riders before I went home for school. I ran approximately 4000 BBs each through rifle. This was an obsession, but it was also pure joy.
Be happy being what we are. Smile. Life is to serious to be taken serious.